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    WTM London introduces travel buyers from around the world to over 5,000 of the world's top destinations and brands. WTM London prides itself on being the hub of travel ideas. Our goal is to give you, the global travel trade, an insight into what the industry will look like in the next five years, share innovations, and create endless business opportunities over the course of three days.

    We connect the world's travel providers with extraordinary knowledge and opportunities, culminating in WTM London. Our conference program has been created specifically with you in mind. Hear from top motivational speakers, entrepreneurs, and leadership figures from a variety of industries including wellness, sports travel, music travel, and technology.

    This is a total inspirational immersion, a living experience with ideas big and small. You will see the known world reinvented, with limits unlocked.

    We share new ideas, driven by a network of contacts, an engaged community, and content that evokes passion and curiosity about the changing needs of the travel industry.

    Ideas mean business. Last year, WTM London sparked a million meetings, resulting in around £ 3 billion in contracts. Our marketing reaches deeper and deeper through social networks, associations and the media. If you have a revolutionary travel product or service, this is where you tell the world about it.
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