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Rajasthan Tourism Policy

Tourism Policy

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Government of Rajasthan Department of Tourism

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

November, 2015

1. Background 05
2. Definition of a Tourism Unit 06
3. Allotment of Government Land for Tourism Units 08
4. Conversion of Land for Tourism Units 09
5. FAR (Floor Area Ratio) 12
6. Regularisation of Existing Tourism Units 12
7. Fiscal Benefits and Incentives 13
8. Incentives for Skill Development 13
9. Time period of Annual Licenses for Tourism Units 13
10. Constitution of Tourism Advisory Committee 14
11. Nodal Department 14
12. Policy Period 14
13. Implementation of the Policy 14
14. Annexure 15
15. Related Notifications 24

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015
1. Background

Rajasthan is a leading tourism State in the country. Its glorious heritage, colorful living traditions and vibrant culture are special attractions for both, domestic and foreign tourists. The tangible and intangible tourism products of the State offer immense potential for growth of the tourism industry. Development of tourism resources and increasing both, domestic and foreign tourist arrivals is a high priority area for the Union and State Governments. Therefore, there is a need for expanding tourist centric infrastructural facilities to keep pace with the present trends and for potential tourism growth in the State.
Department of Tourism had announced a Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy in 2007. This Policy will now be replaced by Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy, 2015 in order to extend more support and incentives for establishment of Tourism Units in the State.
The new Policy has been framed keeping in view the guidelines under the 'Suraj Sankalp' Policy document, new emerging trends in the tourism sector, representations given by various stakeholders including the tourism and trade organisations and also the suggestions received from other departments.
The Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy, 2015 primarily addresses issues relating to time bound conversion of land for tourism units including new hotels and heritage hotels, time bound approval of building plans, grant of Patta to heritage hotels, allotment of land for tourism units on DLC (District Level Committee) rates, applicability of Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014 (RIPS-2014) for tourism units and smooth and speedy implementation of the provisions of related departments like Revenue, Urban Development and Housing (UDH) & Local Self Government (LSG), Panchayati Raj, etc. It is expected that this Policy will strengthen the existing infrastructure, will foster infrastructure development, income and employment generation and increase the much needed availability of hotel rooms for the tourists. By allowing Heritage Hotels in Rural Abadi/Panchayat areas Rural Tourism is likely to increase manifold.
The definition of Tourism Unit has been expanded to cover various types of tourism units and activities including budget hotels, heritage hotels, resorts, golf courses, adventure sports, etc. It is expected that these steps will bring speedy investment in the State.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

2. Definition of a Tourism Unit
Tourism Unit will mean a tourism project approved by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan or by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and shall include:
I. A Hotel including Motel having accommodation of minimum 20 lettable rooms and a minimum investment of Rs.2 crore. The permissible size of the land/plot shall be as per the rules of UDH/Revenue/Panchayati Raj Departments.
II. A Heritage Hotel means a hotel run in a fort, a fortress, a palace, a haveli, a castle, hunting lodge or residences with heritage features, built prior to 1.1.1950 and approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India or Government of Rajasthan.
III. A Budget Hotel having accommodation of minimum 20 lettable rooms and a minimum investment of Rs.2 crore, which provides basic amenities at an affordable & economic rates and those which do not fall in the ambit of Luxury Tax.
IV. A Restaurant or cafeteria having an investment of at least Rs.1 crore (excluding land cost) with seating capacity of a minimum of 40 persons/visitors at a time. The unit must have a hygienically maintained kitchen with modern equipment in the premises as well as a separate toilet facility for ladies and gents.
V. A Resort which provides sports/recreational facilities, riding, swimming or social amenities with boarding and lodging arrangements for holidaying in cottages/rooms.
VI. A Sports Resort such as a Golf Course, Golf Academy or adventure related sports or any other sports activity with or without recreational and accommodation facilities, provided that in respect of a golf course, source of water for the course will substantially be recycled water.
VII. A Health Resort Spa is a short-term residential/lodging facility with the purpose of providing spa services such as massages, yoga, meditation and other related treatments for rejuvenating the body.
VIII. A Camping Site with furnished tents, accommodation, having at least 10 tents along with dining, bathrooms/toilet facilities.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

IX. An Amusement Park providing various types of rides, games and amusement activities.
X. An Animal Safari Park developed with the permission of the Forests Department.
XI. A MICE/Convention Centre: A covered pillar-less, air conditioned hall having minimum carpet area of 5000 square feet space that provides place for meetings, conventions/conferences and exhibitions, and can accommodate at least 500 persons at one point of time.
XII. Museum: A building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic or cultural interest are stored and exhibited and is open for general public with or without ticket.
XIII. A Ropeway established under the prevailing Act and Rules.
XIV. A Tourist Luxury Coach shall mean an air-conditioned coach with push back seats used for the normal transportation of tourists to different tourist destinations and for sightseeing of various tourist places, with a minimum seating capacity of 13 seats. It should be operated by valid All India Permit holder Tourist Transport Operators, recognized by Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and Rajasthan Association of Tour Operators (RATO) and registered in the State of Rajasthan.
XV. Caravan: A specially built vehicle registered with any State Transport Department which is used for the purpose of group oriented leisure travel with bed capacity of at least 4 beds.
XVI. Cruise Tourism: Any Boat/Yacht with a minimum seating capacity for 4 persons, which is licensed by the Transport Department, Government of Rajasthan and having capacity to operate in lakes/rivers of the State for pay-and-use facilities. Boats/Yachts used by hotels to transport or entertain their guests and/or goods/raw materials will not be covered under this definition.
XVII. Hotels and other tourism units classified under the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India guidelines shall also be eligible for obtaining concessions and incentives under this Policy irrespective of number of rooms in it.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Note 1: All concerned departments shall adopt the above definition in their respective Acts/Rules/Regulations. The definition of Tourism Units may be revised and amended from time to time keeping in view the emerging trends in the tourism sector, by the Tourism Department, which will also be incorporated in the relevant Acts/Rules/Regulations.
Note 2: Benefits under the Tourism Policy/RIPS can only be availed as per the terms and conditions laid down in prevailing RIPS.
3. Allotment of Government Land for Tourism Units

The State Government can make land available for establishment and development of all types of Tourism Units as per prevailing procedure, which is indicated below:
I. All Development Authorities (like JDA), UITs, Municipal Bodies, Rajasthan Housing Board, Gram Panchayat, Industry Department and District Collectors would identify suitable land for the establishment of Tourism units.
II. Land so identified shall be set apart and reserved for tourism units under intimation to the Tourism Department. Information of such Land Bank would be made available on the website of concerned Local Body/ District Collector/Revenue Department and on Tourism Department website.
III. The maximum and minimum land areas to be reserved for tourism units shall be as under:

S. No. Category Minimum Land Area Maximum Land Area
1. Budget Hotels and 1 to 3 Star Hotels
1,200 sqm
Upto 4,000 sqm
2. 4 Star Hotels 6,000 sqm Upto 12000 sqm
3. 5 Star & above Hotels 18,000 sqm Upto 40,000 sqm
4. Other Tourism Units - As per requirement/ availability


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

IV. The allotment of such land shall be made on the prevailing DLC rate of the local area.
V. The process of competitive bidding and allotment for such tourism units on DLC rate for the local area shall be as follows:
a. The Authority Concerned shall notify to public through national and state level advertisements for allotment of land identified and reserved for tourism units through competitive bidding process. The DLC rate for the local area for allotment of land shall be indicated in the advertisement and this price shall be the base price for allotment of land.
b. In case more than one applicant apply for the land within the specified time period, the allotment of land shall be made through competitive bidding. In case no other application is received in the specified time period, the allotment of land, shall be made to the single bidder on the prevailing DLC rate for the local area, in keeping with the other provisions of the Tourism Unit Policy.
c. Land made available under this Policy cannot be used for any other purpose for at least 30 years.

4. Conversion of Land for Tourism Units
No conversion charges shall be payable for land held by tenant for establishment of a tourism unit in urban as well as in rural areas.
No development charges shall be payable by Tourism Units. Necessary notification/orders in this regard shall be issued by concerned Departments.
In addition to free of cost conversion and development charges for heritage hotels, UDH & LSG, Panchayati Raj, Revenue Department, etc. will also issue conversion orders for existing and operating heritage hotels/buildings. Similar order will also be issued for those who intend to convert heritage buildings in to heritage hotels after issue of this Policy.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

The following additional provisions are being provided for:
(A) Fixing of Time limits for Conversion of Land and Approval of Building Plans:
I. Conversion of Land in Urban Area: The competent authority shall dispose off an application for conversion of land for tourism unit within 60 days from the date of filing of application which is complete in all respects.
In case orders for conversion of land are not issued within prescribed time limit, the land in question will be regarded as deemed converted.
II. Approval of Building Plans: The competent Authority to approve the building plan in urban area shall dispose of the application within 60 days of receipt of application complete in all respects.
Similarly, time limits are also fixed for construction and operation of tourism units by the investor, which are as under:
i. A tourism unit having less than 200 rooms will be required to be completed within 3 years after conversion of land. In case there is a requirement for seeking approval of building plan, the above permitted time period for completion of tourism unit will commence from the date of approval of building plans by the concerned authority.
ii. A tourism unit having more than 200 rooms will be required to be completed within 4 years after conversion of land. In case there is a requirement for seeking approval of building plan, the above permitted time period for completion of tourism unit will commence from the date of approval of building plans by the concerned authority.
Provided further that an extension of one more year could be given based on merits of the case by the authorities concerned after which all concessions shall stand withdrawn/ lapsed.
III. Conversion of Land in Rural Area: The competent authority shall dispose off an application for conversion of land within 45 days from the date of filing of application complete in all respects.
Similarly, time limits are also fixed for construction and operation of tourism units by the investor, which are as under:

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

i. A tourism unit having less than 200 rooms will be required to be completed within 3 years after conversion of land.
ii. A tourism unit having more than 200 rooms will be required to be completed within 4 years after conversion of land.
An extension of one year could be given based on merits of the case by the authorities concerned after which all concessions shall stand withdrawn/lapsed and the applicant shall have to register again.
In case orders for conversion of land are not issued within prescribed time limit, the land in question will be regarded as deemed converted.
(B) Conversion of Residential Land and Heritage Properties into Hotels and other Tourism Units
No fee for change in land use for conversion of residential land and heritage properties into hotels and other tourism units shall be charged.
(C) Heritage hotels situated on narrow roads in urban areas which arrange for a dedicated alternative parking on a 40/60 feet wide road and provide for the park-and- ride system from hotel to parking place, shall be permitted to operate.
Similarly heritage hotels situated on narrow roads in Rural and Panchayat/Rural Abadi Areas will be permitted to operate.
The same shall be applicable for existing heritage buildings proposed to be used as heritage hotels.
(D) Minimum Road Width: New tourism units in rural and Panchayat areas shall be permitted provided there is availability of a 30 feet wide road.
(E) Permissible Area for Commercial Use by Heritage Properties: Heritage hotels can commercially convert maximum of 1000 sq meters or 10% of plinth area of the existing heritage building, whichever is less.
(F) Issue of Patta for Heritage Properties: Owners of heritage properties who do not have a legal Patta for claiming ownership of those Heritage properties would be given lease/free hold rights by the Municipality in accordance with the Rajasthan Municipalities (surrender of non-agricultural land and grant of freehold lease) Rules,

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

2015 issued vide notification no. F8 (G) Rules/2015/7960 dated 15.06.2015 by the LSG Department (refer Panchayati Raj Department will formulate rules for issuance of Patta for heritage properties in Rural Abadi area.
(G) Lease Amount: After conversion of land, lease amount for tourism units in urban areas will be charged on rates prescribed for Institutional purposes.
(H) Urban Development Tax: For heritage hotels, UD Tax shall be charged on residential rates on the built up area but there will be no UD Tax on open area.
For budget and 1 to 3 star hotels, UD Tax shall be charged on residential rates on the built up area. For 4 & 5 star hotels, UD Tax shall be charged on double of residential rates on the built up area. But for open area of these hotels, UD Tax will be charged at the rate of 50% of residential rates.
(I) BSUP Charge: Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) charges for heritage hotels would be charged only for the covered area. For all other tourism units, BSUP will be applicable as per existing Urban Development and Housing and LSG Department guidelines.
5. Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
Under the Tourism Unit Policy, 2007, double FAR was available for tourism units in newly developed and new township areas.
At present, standard FAR is 1.33 without betterment levy, and maximum FAR is 2.25 with Betterment Levy is permissible. Tourism units covered under this Policy shall be allowed double FAR i.e. 4.50, out of which 2.25 shall be without betterment levy. Rate for betterment levy shall be calculated on the basis of residential reserve price of the area.
6. Regularization of Existing Hotel Units
(A) There are some heritage properties and residential land and buildings that are running and operating as hotels or other tourism units without permission. If land and buildings are being used as hotels and tourism units without prior permission, the same shall be regularized under Rule 13 of Rajasthan Municipality (Change in Land Use) Rules 2010. Separate orders will be issued in this regard by the UDH & LSG Department.

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

(B) Panchayati Raj Department will formulate rules for regularisation of existing heritage hotels in rural (Abadi) areas, and also for other existing heritage buildings which may be used as heritage hotels in future.
7. Fiscal Benefits and Incentives

(A) All fiscal benefits as provided in Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014 (RIPS- 2014) for the Tourism Sector Enterprises shall be available to the eligible tourism units.
(B) The projects approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, if eligible under the provision of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014 (RIPS-2014), shall be allowed to avail the benefits as provided under RIPS-2014.

8. Incentives for Skill Development
All Tourism Units registered with the Department of Tourism will be directly eligible to become training partners under the Employment Linked Skill Training Program (ELSTP) subject to availability of infrastructure as per the guidelines of Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC). If enrolled as a training partner, management of the respective hotels would be required to set up a training center within the hotel premises using existing/additional infrastructure for the selected courses from the approved list of RSLDC, mobilise youth for training, organize training as per syllabus, follow RSLDC guidelines while conducting of skill training programmes, participate in third party assessment and certification process, etc. Moreover, they would also have to ensure that at least 50% of the trained youth is linked to employment in accordance with the norms of Employment Linked Skill Training Programmes (ELSTP).
Heritage hotels, on hiring trained youth (certified under RSLDC) would be eligible to get subsidies/incentives as per norms, if available.

9. Time Period of Licenses for Tourism Units
All concerned Departments shall issue orders extending duration of annual licenses required to operate hotels and other tourism units for a period of ten years in the first instance itself.

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

10. Constitution of Tourism Advisory Committee
A Tourism Advisory Committee will be constituted to give suggestions regarding measures that can be taken up for growth of tourism in the State. The Committee will also include representatives from tourism & travel trade.

11. Nodal Department
Department of Tourism shall be the nodal department for infrastructural development of tourism units.

12. Policy Period
This Policy will remain in force for five years from the date of issue. However, tourism unit projects already approved by the Tourism Department under Tourism Unit Policy, 2007 but are pending for land conversion/approval of building plan/regularisation before the competent authority will not be required to apply afresh. Such units shall receive all incentives and concessions granted under Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy, 2015 and

13. Implementation of the Policy
In case concerned Departments require amendments in their respective rules/sub-rules and notifications for implementation of this Policy, the same can be done after obtaining approval of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Rajasthan, who has been authorized in this regard by the Cabinet Order No. 103/2015 dated 18/5/2015.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Relevant Excerpts from
Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014

In order to promote investment in the State of Rajasthan, and to generate employment opportunities through such investment, the State Government of Rajasthan, in public interest, hereby issues “The Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2014” (RIPS-2014) (hereinafter referred to as “the Scheme”). The Scheme shall promote investment made by Enterprise(s) for establishment of new unit and/or investment made by the existing Enterprise(s) for expansion and/or investment made for revival of sick enterprise.
1. Operative Period
The Scheme shall come into effect from the date of issuance of this order and shall remain in force up to 31st March 2019.
2. Definitions
(xxi) “Manufacturing Enterprise” means an enterprise employing plant and
machinery in processing of goods which brings into existence a commercially different and distinct commodity and shall include an enterprise in the tourism sector, but shall not include such processing as may be specified by the State Government by an order;
(xxxviii) “Tourism Sector” means:
(a) A hotel or motel making minimum investment of rupees five crore and having accommodation of minimum 20 let-able rooms; or
(b) A heritage hotel, certified as such by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and/or by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan; or
(c) Or any other immovable tourism unit other than a restaurant, defined as such under the Tourism Policy of the State, subject to the condition that it shall be eligible for only such benefits as may be granted to it by the State Empowered Committee.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

3. Applicability of the Scheme
Subject to clause 3.3 below, the Scheme shall be applicable to the following classes of enterprise(s) and investment, excluding investment mentioned in Annexure- I, appended to the Scheme:
(i) New and existing enterprises making investment for setting up new units;
(ii) Existing enterprise making investment for expansion; and
(iii) Sick enterprises making investment for its revival:
provided that the enterprise shall commence commercial production or operation during the operative period of the Scheme.
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 3.1 above, the State Government, on the recommendation of the State Empowered Committee (SEC), may grant the benefit of the Scheme to the first manufacturing enterprise, investing Rs.250 crore or more in a block notified as a most backward area, provided that the investment is not relating to entry number 1 and 4 of Annexure I, appended to the Scheme.
The Scheme shall not be applicable to an enterprise if its commercial production or operation has commenced before the issuance of this order or an entitlement certificate or any order or any customized package has been issued to provide any incentive or benefit under RIPS 2010 or any other scheme or policy or otherwise for such unit.
4. Benefits to Manufacturing Enterprises
An eligible manufacturing enterprise shall be granted benefits and incentives as given below:
(i) Investment subsidy of 30% of VAT and CST which have become due and have been deposited by the enterprise for seven years.
(ii) Employment Generation Subsidy up to 20% of VAT and CST which have become due and have been deposited by the enterprise, for seven years.
(iii) Exemption from payment of 50% of Electricity Duty for seven years, provided that for enterprises engaged in tourism sector, it shall be restricted to 25% of the Electricity Duty;

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

(iv) Exemption from payment of 50% of Land Tax for seven years;
(v) Exemption from payment of 50% of Mandi Fee for seven years;
(vi) Exemption from payment of 50% of Stamp Duty on purchase or lease of land and construction or improvement on such land; and
(vii) Exemption from payment of 50% of conversion charges payable for change of land use.
5. Benefits to Service Enterprises
An eligible service enterprise shall be granted benefits and incentives as given below:
(i) Reimbursement of 50% of amount of VAT paid on purchase of plant and machinery or equipment for a period up to seven years from date of issuance of the entitlement certificate, provided that for enterprises engaged in providing entertainment, the reimbursement shall be restricted to 25% of such amount of VAT paid;
(ii) Exemption from payment of 50% of Entertainment Tax for seven years;
(iii) Exemption from payment of 50% of Electricity Duty for seven years,
provided that for enterprises engaged in providing entertainment, it shall be restricted to 25% of the Electricity Duty;
(iv) Exemption from payment of 50% of Land Tax for seven years;
(v) Exemption from payment of 50% of Stamp Duty on purchase or lease of land and construction or improvement on such land; and
(vi) Exemption from payment of 50% of conversion charges payable for change of land use.
6. Special Provisions for Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Persons with Disability Enterprise
Eligible Women/Schedule Caste (SC)/Schedule Tribe (ST)/Person with disability (PwD) enterprises shall in addition to the benefits specified in other clauses of the Scheme, be eligible to avail the following additional benefits:
(i) A manufacturing enterprise shall get additional Investment subsidy to the extent of


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

10% of VAT and CST which have become due and have been deposited by the enterprise;
(ii) A service enterprise shall get additional 10% reimbursement of VAT paid on the plant and machinery or equipment for a period up to seven years from date of issuance of the entitlement certificate for this purpose.
7. Benefits to Enterprises in Backward and Most Backward Areas
An eligible enterprise, other than a cement manufacturing enterprise, making investment in a backward area or a most backward area shall be granted the same benefits as would have been applicable if the enterprise was located elsewhere in the state but the period of benefit, except for interest subsidy, shall be extended to ten years.
Provided that the State Government may, on the recommendation of the State Empowered Committee (SEC), grant to a manufacturing enterprise, other than a cement manufacturing enterprise and a service enterprise making an investment in a backward area, such benefits as mentioned in clauses 7.2 and 7.3 respectively, which are applicable for investments in most backward areas, with a view to attract investment in the backward area.
A manufacturing enterprise, other than a cement manufacturing enterprise, making investment in a most backward area shall, in addition to benefits under clause
7.1 above, get additional investment subsidy of 20% of the VAT and CST which have become due and have been deposited by the enterprise for a period of seven years.
7.3 A service enterprise making investment in a backward area shall, in addition to benefits mentioned in other clauses of the Scheme, get additional 10% reimbursement of VAT paid and a service enterprise making investment in a most backward area shall, in addition to benefits mentioned in other clauses of the Scheme, get additional 20% reimbursement of VAT paid on the plant and machinery or equipment for a period up to seven years from the date of issuance of the entitlement certificate for this purpose.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

8. Power to Grant Customized Package
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Scheme, the State Government, on the recommendation of State Empowered Committee (SEC), may grant a customized package under section 11 of the Rajasthan Enterprises Single Window Enabling and Clearance Act, 2011, to the following manufacturing enterprises, other than cement manufacturing enterprises:
(a) Enterprises investing more than Rs500 crore or providing employment to more than 500 persons; or
(b) Enterprises investing more than Rs100 crore and using the mineral mentioned in Annexure-III appended to the Scheme, as raw material.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Scheme, the State Government may grant a customized package to the service enterprises investing more than Rs200 crore or providing employment to more than 500 persons.
9. Benefits to Manufacturing Enterprises in Thrust Sectors
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Scheme, the State Government may grant a special package of incentives and exemptions, which may be over and above the incentives and exemptions under Clauses 4 to 7 to a manufacturing enterprise in a thrust sector in addition to the thrust sectors mentioned in sub-clauses 9.3 to 9.12
9.2. Manufacturing enterprises in the sectors mentioned hereunder shall be allowed benefits mentioned in this clause, in addition to benefits related to tax exemptions mentioned at (iii) to (vii) of clause 4 and benefits mentioned in clauses 6 and 7, if applicable, subject to conditions, mentioned against the sector:
Provided that an enterprise of power loom sector and textile sector may opt for benefits provided in clause 4 to 7, if applicable, in lieu of the benefits mentioned in this clause.
Tourism Sector
Enterprises of the tourism sector covered under sub-clause (a) and (b) of clause 2 (xxxviii) of the Scheme shall be granted the following benefits:
(a) Investment Subsidy of 50% of VAT and CST which have become due and have


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been deposited by the enterprise for seven years;
(b) Employment Generation Subsidy up to 10% of VAT and CST which have become due and have been deposited by the enterprise, for seven years;
(c) Reimbursement of 25% of amount of VAT paid on purchase of plant and machinery or equipment for a period up to seven years from the date of issuance of the entitlement certificate;
(d) Exemption from payment of 50% of Entertainment Tax for seven years;
(e) Exemption from payment of 100% of Luxury Tax for seven years;
(f) Land allotment in urban and rural areas at DLC rates;
(g) 25% additional exemption from payment of stamp duty chargeable on the instrument of purchase or lease of more than 100 years old heritage property in the State, for the purpose of hotel development under the Scheme declared by the Tourism Department as provided in notification no. F.12 (20) FD/Tax/2005-219 of 24.03.2005; and
(h) 50% additional exemption from payment of conversion charges for heritage property converted into a heritage hotel.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Scheme, an enterprise making investment in the tourism sub-sector defined under sub-clause (c) of clause 2 (xxxviii) of the Scheme shall be granted the benefits, as may be provided to it by the State Empowered Committee.
14.8 Terms & Conditions
a. Benefits under the Scheme can only be availed if, and as long as there is, and for the period/s, consent to "operate", wherever applicable, from Central/Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board is effective.


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Amendments in RIPS-2014 vide Finance Department order dated 07.01.2015:

Amendment in clause 14.8: In clause 14.8 of the scheme, for the existing expression “consent to “operate” “, the expression “consent to establish and consent to operate” shall be substituted.
Amendments in RIPS-2014 vide Finance Department Clarification dated 23.01.2015:
1. Interpretation of clause 2(xxxviii) of the scheme:
(b) A heritage hotel, certified as such by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India/ or by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan;
It is clarified that, heritage hotels, certified by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and/ or Tourism Department, Government of Rajasthan are covered under the said clause without any minimum investment limit and are eligible to avail benefits under clause 9.12 of the Scheme.
2. Interpretation of clause 2 (xxi) of the Scheme:
Since Restaurant are manufacturing cooked food and other eatables, therefore, it is clarified that Restaurants are covered under the Scheme and are eligible to avail benefits under clause 4 of the Scheme.
Amendments in RIPS-2014 vide Finance Department order dated 09.03.2015: Amendment of clause 2
In clause 2 of the Scheme,
(i) after the existing sub-clause (iv) and before the existing sub-clause (v), of the scheme, the following new sub-clause (iva) shall be inserted, namely:
“(iva) “convention centre” means a covered pillar-less air conditioned hall having minimum carpet area of 5000 square feet which provides place for meetings, conventions/conferences, exhibitions and can accommodate at least 500 person at one point of time.”
(iii) in sub-clause (xxxviii):
(i) the existing sub-clause (a) of the Scheme, shall be substituted by the following, namely:


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

“(a) A hotel or motel making minimum investment of rupees two crore and having accommodation of minimum 20 let-able rooms; or”
(iv) after the existing sub sub-clause (b) and before the existing sub-clause (c) of the Scheme, the following new sub-clause (bb) shall be inserted, namely:
“(bb) a convention centre or a resort making minimum investment of rupees two crore; or”. Amendment in clause 9.12.1
In clause 9.12.1 of the scheme:
(I) in sub-clause (g) of the said clause, the existing expression “; and” shall be substituted by the punctuation mark “;”.
(ii) the existing sub-clause (h) of the said clause, shall be substituted by the following, namely:
“(h) 50% additional exemption from payment of conversion charges; and”
(iii) after the existing sub-clause (h) so substituted, the following new sub clause (i) shall be inserted, namely:
“(i) 100% exemption from payment of development charges.”.
Note: For procedures and other details please refer to website


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Special Incentives available for Heritage Hotels in Tourism Unit Policy, 2015

1. Minimum investment limit shall not be applicable to heritage hotels for availing RIPS benefits.
2. Heritage hotels situated on narrow roads in urban areas which arrange for a dedicated alternative parking on a 40/60 feet wide road and provide park-and-ride system from hotel to parking place, shall be permitted to operate on such roads.
3. Similarly, heritage hotels situated on narrow roads in Rural /Rural Abadi areas will be permitted to operate.
4. These provisions shall also be applicable for existing heritage buildings proposed to be used as heritage hotels in future.
5. Concernd Departments will issue conversion orders for existing and operating heritage hotels/building. Similar order will also be issued for those which intend to operate heritage buildings as heritage hotels after issue of this Policy.
6. For Rural (Abadi) areas, Panchayati Raj Department will formulate rules for regularization of existing Heritage Hotels and also other existing Heritage buildings which may be used as heritage hotels in future.
7. Heritage hotels will be allowed to convert a maximum of 1000 square metres or 10% of plinth area, whichever is less for commercial use.
8. Additional exemption of 25% on Stamp Duty will be available for more than 100 years old heritage properties as per the scheme declared by the Department of Tourism as provided in the Finance Department notification No.F.12(20) FD/ Tax/ 2005-2019 dated 24.03.2005.
9. Basic Service for Urban Poor (BSUP) charges shall be levied only on the constructed area of Heritage hotels.
10. Heritage Hotels approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India/ Government of Rajasthan shall be eligible for all benefits under RIPS.

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Jaipur, April 10, 2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause 16 read with sub-clause (c) of clause 9.12.1 of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme - 2014 (hereinafter referred to as ”the Scheme”). The State Government hereby, clarifies that the reimbursement of 25% of amount of VAT paid on purchase of plant and machinery or equipment to a tourism sector enterprise as defined under the scheme shall be allowed on the purchase of goods mentioned in the list given below, in accordance with the provisions of the scheme.
S.No. Particulars
1. AC Plants, ACs, Fans & Exhaust Fans, Coolers etc.
2. Pollution control machines for air, water and light
3. Non CFC equipment for refrigeration and air conditioning and other Eco-friendly measures and initiatives.
4. DG Sets
5. Housekeeping machines & equipments.
6. Solar Heaters and Solar Plants/Geysers/Cold & Hot Running water machine
7. Furniture
8. Lifts & Elevators
9. Metal detectors (door frame or hand held)
10. CCTV
11. X-Ray Machine
12. Under belly scanners to screen vehicles
13. Smoke detectors
14. Heating and Cooling systems, machines & plants
15. Safe keeping / in room safe
16. Minibar / Fridge
17. TV
18. Dry-cleaning / laundry related equipment
19. Tea / Coffee making machines, equipments etc.
Note: Goods mentioned above shall be allowed one time for initial set up including the goods mentioned at S.No. 15, 16, 17 which shall be allowed one set per room.
[F-12(14)FD-Tax-2012-pt-I 5]
By order of the Governor
(Aditya Pareek)
24 Joint Secretary to the Government

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015


No. F.11(4)Rev-6/2014/16


Jaipur, Dated: 22 May 2015

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (xi-A) of sub-section (2) of section 261 read with section 90-A of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956 (Act No. 15 of 1956), the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) Rules, 2007, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Amendment of rule 2.- In sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) Rules, 2007, hereinafter referred to as the said rules, -
(i) In clause (b), for the existing expression “hotel, restaurant”, the expression “hotel other than tourism unit, restaurant other than tourism unit” shall be substituted.
(ii) the existing clause (r) shall be substituted by the following, namely:-
“(r) ‘Tourism Unit’ means a tourism unit or project as such approved by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan or approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.”
3. Insertion of new rule 6C.- After the existing rule 6B and before the existing rule 7 of the said rules, the following new rule 6C shall be inserted, namely:-
“6C. Conversion of Heritage Properties into Heritage Hotels.- Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules if owner of a heritage property, situated on agriculture land, applies on plain paper for conversion of Heritage Property into Heritage Hotel along with recommendation of the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan, an order for conversion to this effect may be issued by the prescribed authority within the time limit prescribed under rule 9. No conversion charges shall be payable for conversion under this rule. Land converted under this rule may be used for commercial purpose up to maximum of 1000 sq meters or 10 percent of plinth area of the existing

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

heritage building.”
4. Amendment of rule 8.- The existing sub-rule (2) of rule 8 of the said rules shall be substituted by the following, namely:
“(2) No conversion charges as prescribed in rule 7, shall be payable for conversion of land held by tenant for establishment of a tourism unit as defined in clause (r) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2.”
5. Amendment of rule 9.- In sub-rule (2) of rule 9 of the said rules, after the existing last proviso, the following new proviso shall be added, namely:
“Provided also that in case of heritage hotels, if parking arrangement is made available by the owner in premises or elsewhere, the requirement of width of approach road shall not be applicable.”
6. Amendment of rule 14.- In rule 14 of the said rules,-
(i) the existing provision shall be numbered as sub-rule (1).
(ii) in sub-rule (1), so numbered, after existing expression “non-agricultural purpose” and before the existing expression “, shall be used”, the expression “other than tourism unit” shall be inserted.
(iii) after sub-rule (1), so numbered, the following new sub-rule (2) shall be added, namely: “(2) Any agricultural land converted for tourism unit shall be used for establishment of tourism unit within the time limit specified as under,-
(i) three years for a tourism unit having less than 200 rooms.
(ii) four years for a tourism unit having more than 200 rooms.
Provided that above period may, in appropriate case, further be extended for a period of one year by the prescribed authority. If the land is not used within such extended period, the conversion order and other concessions shall be withdrawn after giving an opportunity of being heard."
By order of the Governor, (Anil Kumar Agrawal)
Joint Secretary to the Government


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015


No. F.11(4)Rev-6/2014/17


Jaipur, Dated: 22 May 2015

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 100 of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956 (Act No. 15 of 1956), the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Industrial Areas Allotment Rules, 1959, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Industrial Areas Allotment (Third Amendment) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Amendment of rule 1A.- The existing clause (viii) of rule 1A of the Rajasthan Industrial area allotment Allotment, Rules, 1959, hereinafter referred to as the said rules, shall be substituted by the following, namely:
“(viii) ‘Tourism Unit’ means a tourism unit or project as defined in the prevailing policy of the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan or approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.”
3. Amendment of rule 2.- In rule 2 of the said rules,-
(i) in clause (a), for the existing expression “Government in the Tourism Department”, the expression “Government in the Revenue Department” shall be substituted.
(ii) in sub-clause (i) of clause (b) for the existing expression “Director of Tourism”, the expression “Government in the Revenue Department” shall be substituted.
4. Amendment of rule 3A.- The existing third proviso to rule 3A of the said rules shall be deleted.
5. Insertion of new rule 3B.- After the existing rule 3A and before the existing rule 4 of the said rules, the following new rule 3B shall be inserted, namely:
“3B. Allotment of Land for Tourism Units.-
(1) For establishment and development of Tourism Units, the District Collector shall identify suitable land for the establishment of tourism units. The land so identified shall be set apart and reserved for tourism units under intimation to the Tourism Department


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

and same shall be uploaded on the web-site of the District Collector and Tourism Department. The maximum and minimum land areas to be reserved for tourism units shall be as under:

S. No. Category Minimum Land Area Maximum Land Area
1 2 3 4
1. Budget Hotels and 1 to 3 stars hotels 1200 square meters Up to 4000 square meters
2. 4 stars Hotels 6000 square meters Up to 12,000 square meters
3. 5 Stars and above hotels 18000 square meters Up to 40,000 square meters
4. Other Tourism units - As per requirement/ availability

(2) The reserve price for allotment of land set apart and reserved for tourism unit shall be equal to the rates recommended for assessment of market value of agriculture land by district level committee under rule 58 of the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004.
(3) Allotment of land for tourism units shall be made in the following manner, namely:
(a) The Allotting Authority shall invite bids for allotment of land for tourism units set apart and reserved for tourism unit under sub-rule (1) through advertisement published in National and State level news paper. The reserve price for allotment of land shall be mentioned in the advertisement.
(b) In case more than one bid received within the specified time period, the allotment of land shall be made through competitive bidding. In case only single bid is received in the specified time period, the allotment of land shall be made to the single bidder on the prevailing reserve price or the price offered by the bidder, whichever is higher.
(c) Land allotted under this rule shall be used for establishment of tourism unit within the time limit specified as under,-
(i) three years for a tourism unit having less than 200 rooms.
(ii) four years for a tourism unit having more than 200 rooms.
Provided that above period may, in appropriate case, further be extended for a period of one year by the prescribed authority. If the land is not used within such extended period, the

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

allotment shall be withdrawn after giving an opportunity of being heard.
(d) Land allotted under this rule shall be used only for the purpose of tourism unit and not for any other purpose at least for a period of thirty years.”
6. Amendment of rule 7.- In rule 7 of the said rules, for the existing expression "industries", the expression "industries other than tourism unit" shall be substituted.
7. Amendment of Form-B.- In Form-B appended to the said rules,-
(i) for the existing expression “Tourism Deptt.”, the expression “Revenue Department” shall be substituted.
(ii) for the existing expression “Director, Industries/Tourism”, the expression “Director, Industries/Secretary, Revenue Department” shall be substituted.

By order of the Governor, (Anil Kumar Agrawal)
Joint Secretary to the Government


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015


No. F. 11(4) Rev.6/2014/21 Jaipur, Dates: 29.5.2015


In excerise of the powers conferred by clause (xi-A) of sub-section (2) of section 261 read with section 90-A of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956 (Act No. 15 of 1956), the State Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) Rules, 2007, namely:

1. Short title and commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) (Sixth Amendment)
Rules, 2015
(2) They shall come into force at once
2. Amendment of rule 9: After the existing sub-rule (7) of rule 9 of the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in rural areas) Rules, 2007, following new sub-rule (8) shall be added, namely:
“(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (3), (4), (5) and (6) if the prescribed authority, fails to dispose off the application of conversion of land for the establishment of tourism unit as defined in clause (r) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 within 45 days of the receipt of the completed application along with required documents, then such land shall be deemed converted.”

By order of the Governor (Anil Kumar Agarwal)
Joint Secretary to the Government


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

F.6(266)/Pari/Tax/Hqrs/2006/8366-79 Jaipur, Dated: 15.5.2015 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) of section 3 of Rajasthan Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1951 (Act No.11 of 1951) and in supersession of this department's Notification No. F6(179)/pair/tax/Hqrs/95/5, dated 9.3.2015, the State Government being of the opinion that it is expedient in public interest so to do, hereby exempts fifty percent of
Special Road Tax payable under section 4-B of the said Act, on the air conditioned
passenger vehicles, except sleeper coach, having seating capacity more than 12 including driver, subject to the following conditions, namely:
1. that the Vehicle shall be registered in the State of Rajasthan in the name of tourist transport operator;
2. that the tourist permit of the vehicle shall be issued by competent authority of State of Rajasthan in the name of recognized tourist operator; and
3. that the tourist transport operator shall be recognized by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India or Tourism Department, Government of Rajasthan, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and Rajasthan Association of Tour Operators (RATO) and approved as such by the Transport Commissioner.
This notification shall have effect from 01.5.2015 and shall remain in force upto 30.4.2018.

By Order of the Governor, (Dr. Manisha Arora),
Joint Secretary to Government


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

uxjh; fodkl foHkkx
Øekad % i-18¼1½ufofo@i-bZ-uh-@2015 t;iqj] fnukad% 6-6-2015

i;ZVu foHkkx }kjk i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr 2015] tkjh dh tk pqdh gSA vr% bl uhfr ds vUrxZr ifjHkkf"kr leLr i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa ¼Hkfo"; esa i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr esa gksus okys la'kks/kuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq;s½ dks Hkwfe miyC/k djkus Hkw&:ikUrj.k ;k vU; NwV ,oa lqfo/kk iznku djus gsrq foHkkx }kjk tkjh iwoZ ds leLr ifji=ksa ¼i-10¼61½ufofo@3@06ikVZ fnukad 24-12-2007] 16- 04-2013] 18-03-2014 ,oa 26-03-2014½ dks vf/kØfer djrs gq; fuEukuqlkj vkns'k tkjh fd;s tkrs gS%
1 gksVykas ,oa i;ZVu bdkbZ gsrq Hkwfe vkoaVu &
¼i½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk fofHké i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa] ftlesa leLr izdkj ds gksVy lfEefyr gS] dh LFkkiuk o fodkl gsrq Hkwfe dh miyC/krk fuEu izdkj ls dh tk;sxh &
¼v½ t;iqj@tks/kiqj@vtesj fodkl izkf/kdj.k] uxj fodkl U;klksa] uxj ikfydvksa ,oa jktLFkku vkoklu e.My }kjk i;ZVu bdkbZ;ka] ftlesa gksVy Hkh lfEefyr gS] dh LFkkiuk gsrq mi;qDr Hkwfe dk p;u dj Hkwfe cSad dh LFkkiuk dh tks;xh] ftlesa fofHké ds gksVyksa o i;ZVu bdkbZ gsrq Hkwfe dk vkj{k.k fd;k tk;sxk%
¼1½ ctV gksVy ¼1] 2 o 3 flrkjk½
¼2½ pkj flrkjk gksVy
¼3½ ikap flrkjk gksVy o MhyDl ds gksVy
¼4½ vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ
¼c½ bl izdkj LFkkfir Hkwfe cSad dh lwpuk LFkkuh; fudk; ,oa i;ZVu foHkkx dh osc lkbZV ij miyC/k djk;h tk;sxhA
¼l½ fofHké dh gksVyksa o vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa dks vf/kdre@U;wure Hkwfe {ks= dk fu/kkZj.k fuEukuqlkj fd;k tk;sxkA


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

Øa la gksVy U;wure Hkwfe {ks= vf/kdre Hkwfe {ks=
1 ctV gksVy ¼1] 2 o 3 flrkjk½ 4000 oxZehVj rd
2 4 flrkjk 6000 oxZ ehVj rd 12]000 oxZehVj rd
3 5 flrkjk o MhyDl 18]000 oxZ ehVj rd 40]000 oxZehVj rd
4 vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ & vko';drk@miyC/krkuqlkj
 mijksDrkuqlkj i;ZVu bdkbZ gsrq vkoaVu dh nj ml {ks= dh izpfyr Mh-,y-lh- nj gksxhA
 i;ZVu bdkbZ gsrq vkoaVu rqyukRed fufonk ds vk/kkj ij i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr&2015 esa fn;s x;s izko/kkuksa ds vuq:i fd;k tkosA
 bl uhfr ds vUrxZr miyC/k djkbZ xbZ Hkwfe dk mi;ksx vkxkeh 30 o"kksZa rd fu/kkZfjr mi;ksx ls vU;Fkk ugha gks ldsxkA
2- uxjh; {ks=ksa esa —f"k Hkwfe dk :ikUrj.k
¼i½ 'kgjh {ks=ksa esa —f"k Hkwfe dk :ikUrj.k jktLFkku Hkw&jktLo vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh /kkjk 90 ^,^ ds vUrxZr fd;k tk;sxkA lacaf/kr LFkkuh; fudk; ;Fkk t;iqj@tks/kiqj@vtesj fodkl izkf/kdj.k] uxj fodkl U;kl] uxj ikfydk }kjk i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr ds rgr /kkjk 90 ^,^ ds vUrxZr —f"k Hkwfe dk v—f"k Hkwfe esa
:ikUrj.k djus ij :ikUrj.k 'kqYd rFkk fodkl 'kqYd ¼vkUrfjd fodkl dk;Z Hkw[k.M+/kkjh dks Lo;a djus gksaxs½ ns; ugha gksxkA l{ke vf/kdkjh dks —f"k ls xSj —f"k
¼i;ZVu bdkbZ½ iz;kstukFkZ /kkjk 90 ^,^ ds rgr leLr dk;Zokgh vkosnu izkIr gksus ls 60 fnol dh vof/k esa iw.kZ djuh gksxhA ;fn fu/kkZfjr le; lhek 60 fnol esa
:ikUrj.k vkns'k tkjh ugha fd;s tkrs gS] rks iz'uxr Hkwfe Lor% gh :ikUrfjr ekuh tkosxhA i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa@gksVy ds laca/k esa iwoZ esa 90 *ch* ds rgr~ vuqeksfnr izdj.kksa ij Hkh ;s fj;k;rsa ykxw gksaxhA
¼ii½ Pkwafd jkT; ljdkj dh ea'kk gksVy o vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa dks d`f"k@vkS|ksfxd @vkoklh; Hkwfe ls laifjorZu fd;s tkus gsrq lEiw.kZ NwV fn;s tkus dh gS] vr% bl mn~ns'; dh izkfIr gsrq mDr Vkmuf'ki ikWfylh ,oa uxj lq/kkj U;kl ¼uxjh; Hkwfe


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

fu"iknu½ fu;e&1974 jktLFkku uxjh; {ks= ¼Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu½ fu;e] 2010 ds vUrxZr la'kks/ku fd;k tkrk gS fd d`f"k@vkS|ksfxd@vkoklh; Hkwfe ls leLr izdkj ds gksVyksa o vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa dh LFkkiuk ij pkgs os Vkmuf'ki ;kstuk esa Hkw[k.M gks
;k Lora= IykV gks laifjorZu] fodkl 'kqYd ¼vkUrfjd fodkl dk;Z Hkw[k.M/kkjh dks Lo;a djus gksaxs½ ,oa Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu 'kqYd dks i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr tkjh gksus dh fnukad ls 5 o"kZ rd eqDr fd;k tkrk gSA
3- gSfjVst gksVYl ,oa iqjklEifRr;ksa ds laifjorZu o fu;eu ds laca/k esa%
¼i½ dk;Z'khy gSfjVst gksVYl ,oa iqjklEifRr;ksa ftudks gSfjVst gksVy ;k i;ZVu bdkbZ ds
:i esa ifjofrZr fd;k tkuk izLrkfor gS muds fy, i;ZVu foHkkx }kjk izek.k i= tkjh fd;k tk;sxk] ftlds vk/kkj ij lacaf/kr uxjh; fudk; }kjk :ikUrj.k@Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu vkns'k tkjh fd;k tkuk vko';d gksxkA ,sls izdj.kksa esa ekLVj Iyku esa bl Hkwfe dk Hkw&mi;ksx okf.kfT;d ls fHkUu gksus ij Hkh mDr vkns'k tkjh fd;s tk ldsaxsAA
¼ii½ gSfjVst gksVy ds laca/k esa izpfyr Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu fu;e] 2010 esa fu/kkZfjr ekun.M+ksa ds vfrfjDr ,Q-,-vkj-] ÅapkbZ] lSVcSd o Hkw&vkPNknu esa f'kfFkyrk nh tk
4- iqjklEifRr;ksa eas okf.kfT;d xfrfof/k;ksa dh vuqKs;rk%
jktLFkku uxjh; {ks= ¼Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu½ fu;e] 2010 esa fu;e 13 esa xSj okf.kfT;d Hkwfe dk okf.kfT;d Hkw&mi;ksx gsrq laifjorZu fd;s tkus ds fy, vkoklh; vkjf{kr nj dh 40 izfr'kr jkf'k Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu ds :i esa olwy dh tkrh gS] ysfdu gSfjVst lEifRr dks gSfjVst gksVy esa ifjofrZr djus dh fLFkfr esa fodkldrkZ dks laifjorZu 'kqqYd ,oa fodkl 'kqYd esa 'kr~ izfr'kr NwV gSA orZeku esa lapkfyr gSfjVst gksVyksa ,oa iqjklEifRr;k¡ tks gSjhVst gksVy ;k vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ esa lEifjofrZr gksuh gS] dks O;ogk;Z ¼Viable½ cukus ds fy;s jkT; ljdkj dh ea'kk ds vuq:i muds vkPNkfnr {ks=Qy ¼Ground Coverage½dk vf/kdre 10 izfr'kr vFkok 1000 oxZehVj tks Hkh de gks esa [kqnjk okf.kfT;d ¼Retail Commercial½ mi;ksx Lor% vuqKs; gksxkAA
5- dk;Z’khy i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa dk Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu ,oa fu;eu%
dqN gSfjVst iqjklEifÙk;ksa esa gksVy vFkok vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ fcuk vko';d Loh—fr ds


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

'kq: dj fn;s x;s gSa vkSj oks dk;Z'khy gSa] rks uohu&uhfr esa ,sls gksVyksa o i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa dk Hkw mi;ksx ifjorZu 'kqYd ,oa fodkl 'kqYd ¼vkUrfjd fodkl dk;Z Hkw[k.M+/kkjh dks Lo;a djus gksaxs½ esa iwjh NwV nh tk;sxhA
;fn iwoZ esa fcuk okafNr Lohd`fr ds Hkw[k.M+ksa ,oa Hkouksa dk mi;ksx gksVy o vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa ds :i esa fd;k tk jgk gS] ,slh bdkbZ;ksa dk fu;eu jktLFkku uxj ikfydk
¼Hkw&mi;ksx ifjorZu½ fu;e] 2010 ds fu;e&13 ds vuq:i xq.kkoxq.k ds vk/kkj ij fu;eu 'kqYd dk 25 izfr'kr jkf'k ij fu;eu fd;k tk;sxkA
6- i;ZVu bdkbZ ds Hkou ekufp= vuqeksnu] fuekZ.k ,oa vuqKs; ,Q-,-vkj- ds laca/k esa%
¼I½ uxjh; fudk; }kjk i;ZVu bdkbZ ds Hkou ekufp= ds izdj.k iw.kZ :i ls vkosnu izkIr gksus ls 60 fnol dh vof/k esa vko';d :i ls vuqeksfnr@fu"ikfnr fd;s tk;saxsA
¼ii½ 200 dejksa rd dh i;ZVu bdkbZ dk fuekZ.k dk;Z Hkwfe :ikUrj.k@vkoaVu dh fnukad ls rhu o"kZ dh vof/k esa iw.kZ djuk gksxkA ;fn Hkou ekufp= vuqeksnu dh vko';drk gks rks 3 o"kZ dh fu/kkZfjr vof/k Hkou ekufp= vuqeksnu dh frfFk ls izkjEHk gksxhA 200 dejksa ls vf/kd dh i;ZVu bdkbZ ds fy, fuekZ.k vof/k 4 o"kZ dh gksxhA ;fn Hkou ekufp= vuqeksnu dh vko';drk gks rks vf/kdre 4 o"kZ dh vof/k Hkou ekufp= vuqeksnu dh fnukad ls izkjEHk gksxhA
lacaf/kr izkf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk mijksDr nksuksa izdj.kksa esa xq.kkoxq.k ds vk/kkj ij ,d o"kZ dk le; vfrfjDr iznku fd;k tk ldsxkA
7- ,Q-,-vkj-%
i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr ds rgr i;ZVu bdkbZ@gksVy izLrkfor gksus ij orZeku esa ns; vf/kdre ,Q-,-vkj- dk nksxq.kk vFkkZr~ 4-50 ,Q-,-vkj- vuqKs; gksxk] fdUrq 2-25 ,Q-,- vkj- ls vf/kd ,Q-,-vkj- izLrkfor gksus ij csVjesUV ysoh vfrfjDr ,Q-,-vkj- ij vkoklh; vkjf{kr nj ds vk/kkj ij ns; gksxhA
8- ldM+h lM+dksa ij gSfjVst gksVyksa dh vuqKs;rk%
okafNr pkSM+kbZ ls de pkSM+kbZ dh lM+dksa ij fLFkr gSfjVst lEifRr;ka ftUgsa gSfjVst gksVy ds :i esa mi;ksx esa fy;k tkuk izLrkfor gks rFkk orZeku esa dk;Z'khy gSfjVst gksVYl tks U;wure okafNr pkSM+kbZ dh lM+dksa ij fLFkr ugha gS] rks ,sls gSfjVst gksVYl }kjk vU;= 40@60 QqV lM+d ij MsMhdsVsM ikfdZax miyC/k djk;s tkus rFkk ikfdZax LFky ls gksVy rd ikdZ ,.M jkbZM O;oLFkk fd;s tkus dh fLFkfr esa 40@60 QhV ls de pkSM+h lM+dksa ij gSfjVst gksVy vuqKs; gksaxsA

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

9- ch-,l-;w-ih- 'kSYVj Q.M%
gSfjVst gksVy@fjlksVZ@ekWVy@,E;wtesUV ikdZ ds fy, ch-,l-;w-ih- 'kSYVj Q.M dsoy ldy fufeZr {ks=Qy ij ns; gksxkA vU; i;ZVu bdkbZ;ksa ;Fkk gksVy@dUosU'ku lsUVj@jsLVksjsUV vFkok dSQsVsfj;k vkfn ds fy, ch-,l-;w-ih- 'kSYVj Q.M izpfyr fu;ekuqlkj fy;k tkosxkA
10- i;ZVu bdkbZ gsrq lEifjofrZr ,oa vkoafVr Hkwfe dh yht jkf'k laLFkkfud iz;kstukFkZ fu/kkZfjr vkjf{kr nj ds vk/kkj ij yh tk;sxhA
mDr vkns'k jkT; dh i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr tkjh gksus dh fnukad ls jkT; ds lHkh uxjh; fudk;ksa ¼fodkl izkf/kdj.kksa@uxj fodkl U;klksa@jktLFkku vkoklu e.My@LFkkuh; fudk;ksa½ ij ykxw gksxsA mijksDr lHkh uxjh; fudk; vius Lrj ls vU; dksbZ vkns'k tkjh ugha djsxsa ,oa mDr vkns'k dh iw.kZ ikyuk lqfuf'pr djsxsaA i;ZVu bdkbZ uhfr] 2007 ds rgr vkosfnr izdj.kksa ds fy, bl uhfr ds rgr iqu% vkosnu djus dh vko';drk ugha gksxhA
jkT;iky dh vkKk ls]
¼v’kksd tSu½ vfrfjDr eq[; lfpo


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015



No.F.4( )Tourism rules/Legal/PR/2015/486 Jaipur, Dated: 10.7.2015
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 102 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No. 13 of 1994), the State Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:
1. Short title and commencement.-
(1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Allotment, Change of Use of Land and Regularization of Abadi Land in Panchayat Area for Tourism Units) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definition.-
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(I) "Act" means the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No. 13 of 1994);
(ii) "Allotting Authority" means an officer or authority, authorised by the State Government for the purpose of allotment, change of use of land and regularization of abadi land in Panchayat area for Tourism Units;
(iii) "Authorised Officer" means an officer or authority, authorised by the State Government for the purpose of change of use of land and regularization;
(iv) "rules" means the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996;
(v) "Tourism Department” means Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan; and
(vi) “tourism unit” means a tourism project as such approved by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan or by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Act and Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
3. Allotment of abadi land for tourism units.-
(1) For establishment and development of tourism units, the District Collector in consultation with the Panchayati Raj Institution concern, shall identify suitable land in abadi area of a village for the establishment of tourism units and the land so identified


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

shall be set apart and reserved for tourism units under intimation to the Tourism Department and same shall be uploaded on the web-site of the District Collector, Zila Parishad, Department of Panchayati Raj and Tourism Department of Government of Rajasthan. The maximum and minimum land areas to be reserved for Tourism Units shall be as under:

S. No. Category Minimum Land Area Maximum Land Area
1 2 3 4
1. Budget Hotels and 1 to 3 star hotels 1,200 square meters Up to 4,000 square meters
2. 4 star Hotels 6,000 square meters Up to 12,000 square meters
3. 5 Star and above hotels 18,000 square meters Up to 40,000 square meters
4. Other Tourism units - As per requirement/ availability

(2) The reserve price for allotment of land set apart and reserved for Tourism units shall be equal to the rates recommended for assessment of market value of abadi land by district level committee (DLC) under rule 58 of the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004.
(3) Allotment of land for tourism units shall be made in the following manner, namely:-
(a) The Allotting Authority shall invite bids for allotment of land set-apart and reserved for tourism units under sub-rule (1), through advertisement published in National and State level news paper. The reserve price for allotment of land shall be mentioned in the advertisement.
(b) In case of more than one bid received within the specified time period, the allotment of land shall be made through competitive bidding. In case only single bid is received in the specified time period, the allotment of land shall be made to the single bidder on the prevailing reserve price or the price offered by the bidder, whichever is higher.
(c) Land allotted under this rule shall be used for establishment of tourism unit within the time limit specified as under,-
(i) three years for a tourism unit having less than 200 rooms;


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

(ii) four years for a tourism unit having more than 200 rooms:
Provided that above period may, in appropriate case, further be extended for a period up to one year on payment of 0.5% per quarter of the price of the land allotted, by the officer or authority authorized by the State Government. If the land is not used within such extended period, the allotment shall be withdrawn and price paid in lieu of land shall be forfeited after giving an opportunity of being heard.
(d) Land allotted under this rule shall be used only for the purpose of tourism unit and not for any other purpose at least for a period of thirty years.
4. Change of use of land of Heritage Properties into Heritage Hotels.-
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996, if a person holding title or any person, who lawfully holding a heritage property, situated on land in abadi area of a village, applies in writing on a plain paper to the Authorised Officer for change of use of land of Heritage Property into a Heritage Hotel along with title document and recommendation of the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan, an order for change of use of land may be issued by the Authorised Officer. No charges shall be payable for change of use of land under this rule. The Heritage property allowed to be used as a Heritage Hotel under this rule may be used for commercial purpose up to maximum of 1000 sq. meters or 10 percent of plinth area of the existing heritage building whichever is less.
(2) Change of use of land for the purpose of establishment of Hertage Hotel shall be permitted if there is 30 feet wide approach road is available:
Provided that in case of Heritage Hotels, if parking arrangement is made available by the owner in premises or elsewhere and arrange for a dedicated alternative parking on a 40/60 feet wide road and provide for the park-and-ride system from hotel to parking place, the requirement of width of approach road shall not be applicable.
(3) The person allowed to use for setting up of a Heritage Hotel under sub-rule (1) shall setup that Heritage Hotel within a period of three years:
Provided that the said period may be extended by the State Government for a period of one year on the application of the person who was permitted to setup Heritage Hotel. If the said heritage property is not use within such extended period, the order permitting to setup Heritage Hotel shall be withdrawn or revoked by the Authorised Officer.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), if the Authorised Officer, fails to


Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

dispose off the application for change of use of land for the establishment of Heritage Hotel within fourty five days from the date of the receipt of the completed application along with required documents, then such change of use of land shall be deemed as allowed.
5. Change of use of land or tourism units.-
(1) When any person lawfully holding abadi land in a village intend to use the same for establishment of a tourism unit, he may do so after seeking permission of the Authorised Officer.
(2) Change of use of land for the purpose of establishment of tourism units shall be permitted if there is 30 feet wide approach road is available.
(3) No charges for change of use of land for Tourism Unit shall be payable.
(4) The person allowed to set up a tourism unit under sub-rule (1) shall establish that Tourism Unit within a period of three years:
Provided that the said period may be extended by the State Government for a period of one year on the application of the person who was permitted to use the land for Tourism Unit. If the said land is not use within such extended period, the order permitting change of use of land shall be withdrawn or revoked by the Authorised Officer.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), if the Authorised Officer, fails to dispose of the application for change of use of land for the establishment of tourism unit as defined in rule 2 within fourty five days from the date of the receipt of the completed application along with required documents, then such change of use of land shall be deemed as allowed.
6. Regularization of existing heritage Hotels.- If a person holding title or any person, who lawfully holding a heritage property and residential land and building that are running and operating as hotels without permission, situated on abadi area of a village before the commencement of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (Ordinance No. 3 of 2015) and fulfill the requirements as mentioned in rule 4 above, applies on plain paper for regularization of Change of use of land along with title document and recommendation of the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan, an order for regularization of change of use of land may be issued by the Authorised Officer.

By order of the Governor, (S. K. Solanki)
Joint Secretary to the Government

Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

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Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

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Rajasthan Tourism Unit Policy 2015

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¼v’kksd dqekj flag½ ofj"B la;qDr fof/k ijke’khZ



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